
  • Terms and conditions apply

Principal Amount (SAR)

3,548568 SR

Principal Amount (SAR)

2,548568 SR

Monthly Installment (SAR)






  • Terms and conditions apply

Total Due Amount in Statement Date (SR) On the 6th of every month

00 SR

Tawarruq Amount (SR)

00 SR

Tawarruq Fees (SR)

00 SR

Total Minimum 5%

00 SR

Tawarruq Profit Sales 10 SAR

Tawarruq Rate




  • Terms and conditions apply
  • 5% administrative fees will be added

Total Amount (SR)

2,548568 SR

Monthly Installment (SR)

33 SR

Interest (SR)

33 SR

Flat Rate


General Information About Nayifat

Nayifat Finance Company was established in 2002, with a capital of 1.200,000,000 Saudi riyals, with a license from the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia: 5 / AS / 201312 Commercial Registration 1010176451 Membership No. 121759 We obtained two certificates: ISO 22301 classification and ISO 27001 classification.

Solutions For Individual Financing

Enables consumers to instantly finance their personal needs and repay the amount through flexible repayment solutions. Personal finance programs are available for individuals in public and private sectors up to SR 300,000 and instant smart loans program which enables the customer to avail financing facility up to SR 150,000 without salary transfer or personal guarantor in line with Shari’a principles such as (Tawaruq, Murabaha, Ijarah)

Credit Cards

Nayifat VISA Card brings you a growing range of benefits. Say goodbye to your worries, with immediate acceptance at all VISA Card merchants & ATM machines All over the world. Live comfortably with stress-free and safe transactions 24/7, and provide SMS alerts for every transaction, giving you total control.

1- Nayifat Golden Card

The Nayifat Visa Gold Cards provide a high credit limit and enhance your purchasing power through higher spending limits and global acceptance. It has the latest safe shopping features and is accepted around the world, whether for traditional or online commerce.

2- Nayifat Rewards Card

Enjoy the purchasing power and security of Visa, along with the competitive offers, rewards, and premium service offered by Nayifat.

3- Nayifat Classic Card

Choose the Nayifat Visa Classic card (low credit limit) for convenience, reliability and global acceptance. You can charge it anytime and use it anywhere, providing you with great ability to control your expenses and subscriptions.

SME Finance

Nayifat offers a wide range of structured financing solutions to cater to the needs of SME customers, in various sectors. Our financing programs are aligned with the Kingdom’s economic growth and government initiatives within the framework of the 2030 vision.

Awards & Certificates
